TWELVE: Make Believe
Photographs, except for the tangible, physical photograph itself, are all make believe. Even with the most accurate rendering, photographs are illusions. They are fiction. They are make believe. More than 100 artists from 7 states coast to coast accepted the challenge to enter Twelve: Make Believe, Viewpoint’s 15 th annual juried exhibition. From the hundreds of artistic interpretations of the theme, Juror Jodie Hooker singled out “images that had the ability to inspire deep thought and multiple meanings, along with strong photographic composition and varied technique…” The selected variety of make believe imagery is a feast for the eyes and Viewpoint Photographic Art Center invites you to enjoy the remarkable buffet of visual delights.

Showing Artists
Jenny Abramson
Mary Aiu
John Angell
Jeff Armstrong
Brandin Baron
Richard Beebe
Paula Bellacera
Laszlo Bencze
Keith Berger
Susan Bovey
Rhonda Campbell
Gene Kennedy
Cecilia Clark
Diana Coleman
Lawrence Coleman
Garrett Cotham
Claude Duplat
Eric Engles
Joseph Finkleman
Alan Fishleder
Steve Goldstein
Kathleen Grady
Dale Green
John Hennessy
Kristine Hinrichs
Lee Holmes
Ric Hornor
Mark Howell
Greg Hubbard
Charnel Jeffery
Tom Johnson
David Kalb
Jerry Kapler
Rick Kattelmann
Michael Kelly-DeWitt
Sern Kjellberg
Marta Kravech
Sydney Lewis
Jan Lightfoot
Stephanie Luke
Ingrid Lundquist
Jan Cordova Manzi
Eve Matteson
Linda McClendon
Marlo McClurg
Dan McCormack
Jim McMahen
Judy Molle
Leah Murphy
David Nasater
Steve Nieslony
Joy Nieslony
Ed Nordstrom
Darrell OSullivan
Mircea Ouatu-Lascar
Todd Paige
Henry Paine
Dianne Poinski
Michael Radin
Anita Rama
Mark Rideout
David Robertson
Rachel Rosenthal
Victoria Ruderman
David Ruderman
Sharon Saltzman
Jorge Santana
Theresa Sarappo
Tom Savage
Susan Scholey
Brian Seek
Kathleen Sewell
Michael Shea
Debra Small
Daryl Stinchfield
Dave Sutherland
James Swartzlander
Mark ‘Geo’ Thomas
Kathy Triolo
Leanne Trivett
Steven Tze
Lucille van Ommering
Gerrit van Ommering
Marc Vayssieres
Aaron Vizzini
James Wilson
Thomas Winter
Robin Yeager
Judy Yemma
Sabina Zildzic