Multiple Color Images
Portfolio Member Photo Credit (l/r): Jim Wilson | Tracy Rodgers | Kevin Lee

Viewpoint Photographic Art Center, Inc. offers several levels of membership to meet the needs of our diverse community. Viewpoint provides a fellowship for photographic artists in which photographers can connect with and be invigorated by others who share their passion for photography.

Viewpoint Photographic Art Center is sustained by our annual membership contributions, fundraisers, and workshop programming. We invite you to become a member of Viewpoint and enjoy all of the benefits of membership.

Please note: If you are renewing a portfolio drawer as well as your membership online, please remember that they have to be renewed in separate transactions.


Standard Membership

Enjoy all the benefits of membership including member receptions, print nights, field trips, special lectures, deep discount on workshops (if you take one workshop as a member, you've paid for your membership), opportunities to show your work at various community exhibits and in the Step-up Gallery, parties including the Annual Gift Exchange and much more!

  • Regular: $75
  • Senior (62+): $60
  • Student: $20
  • Family (2-4 family members): $90
  • Contributor (Includes a Reg. membership + $55 donation): $130
  • Institutional: $300

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Monthly Donation

Become a Member: JOIN TODAY!