© Judy Molle | Tree Fern
© Judy Molle | Tree Fern

Entry Deadline: September 15, 2024 at 11:59 pm PT.

A Fine Line is the theme for ELEVEN, Viewpoint’s end-of-the-year juried exhibition. Our language is full of lines: inline, online, outline, what’s my line, and more. We recognize the phrase a fine line as pointing out narrow distinctions in comparisons, such as it’s a fine line between great and excellent. But in addition to the comparative quality, a fine line also holds visual possibilities since line is a fundamental element in all artistic media. Whether curving or straight, angled or broken, broad or thin, lines are expressive. They can vary in length and width or location within the composition. They may be the dividing line of a highway or the tree line at the forest edge. Horizontal lines can imply stability, while diagonal lines may suggest energy and movement. Repeated lines set up patterns and rhythm. Lines can dominate the image as spokes of the wheel or the subtlety of a smile or arched brow. Leading lines strengthen compositions by directing the viewer’s eye within the frame. Lines are boundaries, and lines are connections. Viewpoint Photographic Art Center welcomes your concepts, creativity, and craftsmanship as you connect with the theme A Fine Line for the 1st annual ELEVEN juried exhibit. We hope you accept the challenge.

© Shelley Carlisle | Envelop
© Shelley Carlisle | Envelop

ELEVEN: A Fine Line is a national Open Call for both members and non-members of Viewpoint to participate.

Download the Prospectus; it will NOT be available online after the Call ends.