CALL FOR ENTRIES: Of Time and Place

What is it about a place that makes it memorable? You walk by the same park every day, but one day, the light shines through the tree and makes it glow. You take the shot, and forever more, when you think of that park, you recall that specific day and time. Other people remark about the engaging quality of that image, and you recognize it was all about time and place. A street, a building, a field, a New England town dressed in holiday cheer, the finish line of the three-legged race at a 4th of July picnic… show us your photos that bridge the gap between ordinary and extraordinary. Take us to your memorable time and place.
OF TIME AND PLACE is a national Open Call for participation for members and non-members of Viewpoint Photographic Art Center. We invite you to submit images representing time and place from around the world to be considered for one of the four cash prizes, inclusion in the gallery show, and on the Viewpoint website. In addition, images taken in Sacramento, Nevada, Placer, and Yolo Counties will also be considered for the Photography Month Sacramento Special Award.
Exhibit Dates: April 10 – May 4, 2024
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