CALL FOR ENTRIES: MAY 1 – JUNE 4, 2023 11:59 PM
Every year, one of the most anticipated events at Viewpoint Photographic Art Center is the Members’ Exhibit. For members, the annual show provides an opportunity to present more recent work that reflects the growing edge of creativity and sophistication. Viewpoint has the honor of presenting outstanding photographers who utilize an expanding variety of print media for an increasing audience of appreciative viewers. For the curators, the month-long July exhibit poses the challenge of not only highlighting individual talent but also transforming the diverse art into an exciting collective. This exhibit is consistently one of the most popular of the year.
Members are invited to submit one photograph for display. New work that has not been displayed previously at Viewpoint Photographic Center or other local galleries is preferred. Submissions are not restricted to a particular theme or form of photography. Exhibition display space includes both the Main and Step-Up galleries and only the first 100 entries will be accepted. As gallery membership grows, registration for the exhibit has closed earlier than the announced closing date because the quota has been reached.
Entering your photograph into the Members’ Exhibit 2023 is straightforward. Upload to EntryThingy registering your entry from May 1-June 4, 2023. The nonrefundable entry fee is $25.00. A thumbnail image of the print is required with the registration. A successful registration on EntryThingy signifies an acceptance into the Members’ Exhibit, 2023.
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