Members’ Exhibit

© David Wong | Hello
© David Wong | Hello

Each year since 1992, the Members’ Exhibit has been one of the most anticipated events at Viewpoint Photographic Art Center. The annual exhibit showcases the wide-ranging artistry and interests of 100 Viewpoint members. All members were invited to submit one photograph for display, and the first 100 who entered were selected. This year’s exhibit includes work from Charter Members and members who are participating for the first time. The exhibit highlights individual talent while illustrating the collective creativity of Viewpoint members. No theme, subject, genre, or technique requirements or restrictions existed.

© Scott Atkinson | Backwater
© Scott Atkinson | Backwater

In the 1992 inaugural Members’ Exhibit, most works were black and white darkroom prints captured on film. This year, only one image of the 100 on view is a gelatin silver photograph printed in the darkroom. At least two other prints are from film scans, which were processed and printed digitally. The digital revolution in image capture and printing has opened up the vibrant world of archival stability in color photographs, richness in black and white translations, and creative experimentation from image capture to the final print. Viewers will be entertained by the variety and quality shown throughout the gallery.

© Haemy Chung | Strength of Titania
© Haemy Chung | Strength of Titania

Les Allert
John Angell
Scott Atkinson
Madison Bauer
Laura Berard
Keith Berger
John Bernard
Brad Branan
Rich Brooks
Bill Bryant
Rhonda Campbell
Shelley Carlisle
Nancy Chadwick
Haemy Chung
Cecilia Clark
Steve Cozad
Todd Damiano
Mandy Davies
Dana Davis
Ken Davis
Claude Duplat
Joseph Finkleman
Alan Fishleder
Dolores Frank
Bob Free
Steve Goldstein
Kathleen Grady
Dale Green
Stephen Hall
Lee Holmes
Mark Howell
Maurine Huang
Greg Hubbard

Therese Iknoian
Arthur Jankowski
Chris Janousek
David Kalb
Michael Kelly-DeWitt
Gene Kennedy
Gerry Limjuco
Ingrid Lundquist
John MacMorris
Jan Cordova Manzi
Eve Matteson
Marlo McClurg
Michele McCormick
Josh McKenney
Jayden McKenney
Carolyn McLeod
Jim McMahen
Judy Molle
Tom Monahan
David Nasater
Steve Nieslony
Joy Nieslony
Ed Nordstrom
Darrell O'Sullivan
Mircea Ouatu-Lascar
Henry Paine
Robert Peffer
Thomas Piette
Bridgette Pilling
Michael Radin
Jeff Redman
Gordon Reynolds
Donna Rico

Mark Rideout
David Robertson
John Romie
David Ruderman
Victoria Ruderman
Mike Ryan
Sharon Saltzman
Susan Scholey
Kathleen Sewell
Steve Shames
Debra Small
Mignon Stapleton
Daryl Stinchfield
Gregory Stringfield
Dave Sutherland
Debra Sutphen
James Swartzlander
Don Tackett
Antonia Tapia
Mark 'Geo' Thomas
Gerrit van Ommering
Lucille van Ommering
Aaron Vizzini
David Welch
Catherine Wilcox-Titus
Glen Wilson
James Wilson
Harriet S. Wilson
David Wong
Robin Yeager
Judy Yemma
Ron Yemma
Sabina Zildzic